Mr. Wonderful’s rejection chagrined me deeply. The next morning I ignored my computer and decided to focus on my exercises. I needed to exercise outdoors, so I could expand my mind. I couldn’t figure out how this person, who I don’t know, was capable of providing happiness and pain in a period shorter than 48 hours. That afternoon I went to Disney Animal Kingdom. I needed to see people and the animals. I was still so affected that I ended up taking a French Park Map. I was sad because I messed up something that could have been extraordinary. What I felt when I received his email the first time I had not felt with anybody in years. I walked around the park. I looked at the roller coasters and asked myself, when will be the day that I don’t have to ride a rollercoaster as a party of one? I looked at the families with the stroller and wonder if that would be me someday. I wanted to have the entire package. Still, I could only see a bleak future.
I stood at the end of the long line for the Finding Nemo Show and decided to check my phone while I waited. I thought it would be the perfect time to clean my inbox. I scrolled down and there it was… Mr. Wonderful's new email. I couldn’t believe my eyes… I looked at the time, it said 10:30 a.m. He emailed me that morning! I looked at the people in line and I wanted to tell them that HE emailed me back!!! I couldn’t stop smiling; I could feel the beat of my heart on my chest. I opened the email. It read, “How was your weekend? Any hot date…? Thank you very much for your email, you sound like a sweet heart. I just moved to Orlando few weeks ago and I like it down here very much. How is the dating scene? How about we get together over a drink and talk”? I couldn’t believe it… he was not scared of me, the stalker who viewed his profile a thousand times in one day. I needed to talk to someone, so I called my aunt. She would understand my feelings. She got excited too, she had seen some of the prospects that had contacted me in the past and she was scared. I think she was starting to doubt the idea of online dating. I also called my dad, he was one of the people pushing for me to enroll in an online dating site. I wanted him to see that there was hope in the horizon.
That night I was glad to see that I was not blocked. I had access to his profile! Immediately I copied the entire content and pasted it on a word document. I wanted to have access to the information, but I didn’t want him to know how many times I entered. I didn’t want to deny myself access to this amazing information, but I didn’t want him to do the same thing he did to me before. That night I kept looking at his picture… I really liked his sweet eyes. I wondered how he looked in real life. Is he as sweet as he appears to be? How is he like? Could I meet him? Am I that brave? I couldn’t reply to his email that night, I couldn’t decide if I wanted to meet him just yet.
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